2023. 10. 27.

작년에 명문 리버럴 아츠 칼리지인 포모나 대학에 레귤러로 합격한 학생의 에세이.

2. What item are you excited to bring with you to college?

I have a small wooden cross that I carry wherever I go. Contrary to what my friends think, it represents not my conviction in Christianity, but rather my wavering faith. Despite attending a Christian school, I have always based my faith on reason rather than passion or sentiment, with this cross serving as a border between sentiment and reason. Bought with my own hard-earned money when I was eleven, the cross contains the sentiment I still hold towards Christianity and the hope I have in either discovering or relinquishing my faith. I have long maintained an ambivalent stance on religion, with each small event in my life teetering the scale back and forth. Always reminding me of my both blessed and cursed memories, the cross is like the balancing object that pulls me back to the center of my life when I lose my sense of direction.

[컨설팅 결과]
Pomona College
Claremont-McKenna College
Lafayette College ($20,000/년 장학금)
UC Berkeley
UC San Diego

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