2015. 5. 2.

SAT 점수로 본 미국 600개 대학 랭킹

Here are the smartest colleges in America:

Smarts Rank                          SchoolAverage SAT 
1California Institute of Technology1545
2University of Chicago1515
3Princeton University1505
3Harvard University1505
3Yale University1505
6Massachusetts Institute of Technology1500
7Columbia University1485
8Harvey Mudd College1480
9Stanford University1475
10Northwestern University1470
11Dartmouth College1460
11Washington University in St. Louis1460
11University of Notre Dame1460
11Vanderbilt University1460
11Rice University1460
11Pomona College1460
17Duke University1455
18University of Pennsylvania1450
19Tufts University1445
20Amherst College1440
20Swarthmore College1440
22Brown University (3)1435
22Carnegie Mellon University1435
22Williams College1435
22Bowdoin College (2)1435
26Johns Hopkins University1430
26Carleton College1430
28Cornell University1420
29Georgetown University1410
29Wellesley College1410
29Claremont McKenna College1410
32Haverford College1400
32Washington and Lee University1400
32Wesleyan University1400
35Vassar College1395
36Northeastern University1390
37Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute1389
38Georgia Institute of Technology1385
38Middlebury College1385
38Hamilton College1385
41University of Southern California1380
42University of California-Berkeley1375
42Case Western Reserve University1375
42Reed College (9)1375
42Bard College at Simon's Rock (2)1375
46Scripps College1367
47Emory University1365
47College of William and Mary1365
48Oberlin College1363
49Boston College1360
49New York University1360
49Tulane University (3)1360
49Colgate University1360
49United States Air Force Academy1360
55University of Virginia1355
55Cooper Union1355
57University of Rochester (2)1350
57Brandeis University1350
57Macalester College1350
60Colby College (2)1345
60Bates College (2)1345
62University of Michigan-Ann Arbor1340
62Colorado School of Mines1340
62Grinnell College1340
62Bryn Mawr College1340
62Barnard College1340
67Davidson College (3)1335
67Smith College (2)1335
69Wake Forest University (2)1325
69University of Miami1325
69Colorado College (2)1325
69Mount Holyoke College (2)1325
69Connecticut College (2)1325
74Whitman College1321
75University of California-Los Angeles1320
75Kenyon College1320
75Wheaton College1320
78Lehigh University1315
78Worcester Polytechnic Institute (2)1315
78Franklin and Marshall College (2)1315
81University of Maryland-College Park1310
81University of Richmond1310
81Union College (NY) (2)1310
84University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill1305
84College of the Holy Cross (2)1305
84Pitzer College (2)1305
84Occidental College1305
84Hendrix College1305
84St. John's College (NM) (2)1305
84Villanova University1305
91Ohio State University-Columbus1300
91Southern Methodist University1300
91Stevens Institute of Technology1300
91Bucknell University1300
91Denison University (2)1300
91Rhodes College1300
91Hillsdale College1300
98George Washington University1295
99Binghamton University-SUNY1294
100University of California-San Diego1290

추가 랭킹은 아래 링크 참조: http://www.businessinsider.com/smartest-colleges-in-america-2014-10#ixzz3YwCXM9o7

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