2014. 8. 28.

똑똑하다고 칭찬하는 것과 성장 사고방식 (growth mindset)

무료 인터넷강의 싸이트인 칸 아카데미 창업자 살만 칸이 아이한테 "똑똑하다"고 말하는 것은 위험하다고 한다. 필자도 강연 때 꼭 언급하는 Mindset이란 책의 저자인 캐롤 드웩의 growth mindset (성장 사고방식)에 대해 말하며, 뇌는 마치 근육과 같아서 뇌 근육을 키워야 하는데 똑똑하다고 칭찬하면 그게 안 된다고 한다.

그러면서 한가지 의미있는 연구 소개를 소개했다. "뇌는 아이가 문제를 틀렸을 때 더 성장한다 (뇌 근육이 발달된다)."

그런데 우리는 어떤가? 문제를 맞혔을 때 (뇌가 성장 안할 때) 칭찬하고 문제를 틀렸을 때 (뇌가 성장하려고 할 때) 혼낸다. 그러니까 중고등학교 때까지는 전세계적으로 높은 능력평가 시험점수를 받은 우리 아이들이 대학 가서는 경쟁력이 떨어지는 거다. 뇌성장을 중학교 (요즘은 초등학교 때) 멈추도록 교육을 시키고 있는 거다. 

(블로그 링크: The Learning Myth: Why I'll Never Tell My Son He's Smart)

하버드 비즈니스 스쿨 합격 에세이

하버드 비즈니스 스쿨에 합격한 에세이 중에서 잘된 것 중 하나.. 어려운 단어도 없고(제일 어려운 단어가 아마 quadriplegic(사지 마비 환자), 나머지는 다 평범한 단어), 화려한 문체도 아니고, 복잡한 문장 구조도 없다. 대신 내용이 매우 무거운 내용이다.

우리나라에서는 미국 대학/MBA 지원할 때 아이비리그 영문학/철학 석/박사 출신한테 에세이 작업을 맡겨야만 좋은 에세이가 나온다고 생각한다. 지금 아래 에세이가 컨설팅해서 나온 에세이라면 대부분 "내용은 괜찮은데 이거 너무 글이 평범하지 않나요?"라고 할 게 빤하다.

껍데기를 중요시하는 사고방식과 알맹이를 중요시하는 사고방식의 차이다. 알맹이를 중요시하는 사고방식을 가진 나라로 학교를 갈 거면서 왜 껍데기에 치중을 하는지 알 수가 없다.
(에세이 링크: http://www.businessinsider.com/excellent-hbs-admissions-essay-2014-8#ixzz3BgbF9k9P)

What else would I like you to know?
I am who I am today mostly because of my brother [name]. [name] was born when I was four years old, and he had an extremely rare birth defect called Robert's Syndrome. At the time, he was one of a handful in the world to have it. He was born without arms, couldn't walk or talk, and had many other severe physical and mental defects. It was a complete shock to my parents. He was only expected to live for a day or two, but after a few weeks in the hospital he was healthy enough to come home with us. I was too young to really understand what was going on; I was just excited to have a brother. 
 [name] was a full-time job for us. For his entire life he was incapable of doing anything for himself. My parents and I didn't have much, but we did have an amazing family and group of friends to support us. We couldn't have taken care of [name] without all of them, and seeing this level of sacrifice from so many people had a huge impact on me. No one ever complained. No one ever hesitated. We just did what we had to, and I saw first-hand at a young age how important it is to work together and help those around you. And our family (extended included), became so much closer because of how we came together for [name], and that closeness still holds today. 
[name] ended up living for about four years, and I'm so grateful for the lessons I learned from him. My generosity, kindness, team work, and independence, come directly from him being in my life. And learning to deal with that level of stress and responsibility made me a much, much stronger person than I would have been without. 
So my family and I have carried [name]'s memory with us since he passed in the form of giving to others. About ten years ago, we started a charity called [institution], whose purpose is to supply beds and bedding to children in our area who are without. The thought was that [name] spent most of his life in bed, and if we hadn't had a decent one for him his life would have been so uncomfortable. As of this year, we have supplied almost [number] kids with mattresses, blankets, and stuffed animals, and each year we are able to help more and more children.
 This mentality of service has been a big part of my life since we started [institution], and as I got older I wanted to start branching out to new service opportunities. And let me tell you, [city] has been a great place to start. This city has made a serious impression on me. Anyone who's from here either loves it or hates it, but either way, [city] is the kind of place that defines a person. [city] is the underdog, full of unrealized potential. Living in a place like this has opened my eyes to the heartache of missed opportunities (not even mentioning our sports teams…), and it's because of this that I've become so involved in the community. I've been able to work with so many very smart, driven people, and together we've done a lot to make a positive impact. My work with the [institution] has allowed me to help raise over [number] for small, local NFPs, and my work with the [institution] has complemented that with a more hands-on, service based focus. And being a Big Brother through [institution] has allowed me to make a lasting, consistent impact in a more focused way. 
All of these, together with working for a commercial bank, have given me a very satisfying life balance. I'm able to do so many things, and able to make a tangible impact in each of them. But sometimes I do so much that I don't take the time to stop and look around – to process what's happening. This was missing in my life. I know that the path I'd been taking was the right one for me, I'd just never truly felt ready to move on to the next phase. 
This changed this past summer when I did my first [event]. If you're not familiar with this, it's a [number] mile swim followed by a [number] mile bike and then a [number] mile run. Still seems nuts to me. I'd never done a triathlon of any kind before I signed up for this, but was so overwhelmed by watching my friend compete in the same one the year before. I'll never forget the moment: I was watching a quadriplegic go up the final – and largest – hill in his wheelchair, sweating, grunting, and crying. And finishing. I'm pretty sure everyone watching that was crying; it was one of the most moving things I'd ever seen. So I signed up. 
Training for this requires a serious amount of time, most of which you're alone with your thoughts (no music allowed during the race, so you train without). Eight hours biking, five running, and two swimming, each week for seven months, is so mentally taxing, and your mind goes to some new places. I started reflecting a lot, and really began to understand the choices I've made and the impact they've had. I thought a lot about where I was in life, why I was there, and what I would have done differently along the way. I thought about what I wanted for my future, not just career-wise, but in order to be happy. And it's not so much that my views changed from this experience, but I feel like I've gained a new level of clarity. I'm much more confident in my life goals, and can pursue them with pride and conviction. 
I'm now ready to move on to the next phase of my life, and am very excited to do so. 

2014. 8. 13.

SAT 점수 높은 100개 대학 순위

SAT는 리딩과 수학점수 합계만 고려했음(라이팅은 중요하지 않으므로).

우선 탑 25개 대학은:

25. 칼튼 컬리지, 카네기 멜론 대학
23. 앰허스트 컬리지, 브라운 대학
21. 보우든 컬리지, 스와스모어 컬리지
20. 터프스 대학
19. 윌리엄스 컬러지
18. 라이스 대학
16. 유펜, 듀크
15. 다트머스
14. 퍼모나 컬리지, 하비머드 컬리지
12. 노스웨스턴
11. 스탠퍼드
10. 프랭클린 올린 공대
8. 밴더빌트, 컬럼비아
7. 와싱턴 대학
6. MIT
3. 시카고, 예일, 프린스턴
2. 하버드
1. 칼텍

100개 대학 순위는 아래 링크 참조:

2014. 8. 6.

우리 애가 책을 읽으면 고쳐지는 것들 (SPREAD)

Self-awareness (자기인식): 본인에 대해 잘 알게 된다. 발전을 위해서는 주제파악이 그 무엇보다도 중요하다.
Patience (인내심): 참을성이 생긴다 (특히 디지털매체의 즉각적인 반응에 익숙한 아이들)
Reasoning Skill (이성적 능력): 머리를 쓰게 된다. 기분 따라 사는 게 아니고 생각을 하게 된다.
Expertise (전문 지식): 어떤 분야에 대해서 많이 알게 된다.
Aspiration (열망): 무엇인가에 대한 관심이 생긴다.
Deep Thinking (깊은 사고력): 좀 더 깊게 생각할 줄 알게 된다.

그래서 책은 아이의 생각하는 능력, 성향, 관심사 등에 영향을 준다. 생각하는 능력을 향상시키기 위해 사고력 수업보다는, 기분내키는대로 행동해서 정신과 상담을 하는 것보다는, 무엇을 공부하고 무슨 일을 하고 싶은지 아무 생각이 없는 아이한테 여기저기 데리고 다니면서 보여주기 보다는 책을 읽히기 시작해야 한다.